Weird But True


A Brazilian brewery has been ordered to pay nearly $50,000 to one of its beer tasters – who said he became an alcoholic from his guzzling job.

The Ambey company had argued that the unnamed employee already was an alcoholic, but a judge ruled the company was negligent for hiring someone with that condition.


A soccer game between Muslim and Christian clerics in Norway was canceled because the Muslims refused to play against female priests.

The game was supposed to cap off a conference promoting interfaith dialogue, but imams said competing against gals would violate religious rules against contact with strange women.


What a scaredy cat!

A Canadian home will no longer receive mail because a postal carrier is frightened by a “very threatening cat.”

A Canada Post spokeswoman said the carrier feared for her safety after seeing the 8-year-old, de-clawed, black feline.

It’s owner, John Samborski, said the ban is “ridiculous,” adding that his kitty “likes to eat and sleep and cuddle.”


Cashiers at a Chile supermarket chain have resorted to wearing diapers at work because, they say, they are not allowed to take bathroom breaks.

The union for the cashiers said they have to work for up to eight hours without being allowed to go to the potty.

The chain’s owner conceded “there may have been isolated cases” of that, but added that they “were not in compliance with the norms and procedure of the company.”


A British granny will stay in jail a month more because she refuses to apologize for shouting at neighbors and hitting them with her walking stick.

Dorothy Evans, 81, of Wales was first sentenced to six months in prison for violating an Anti-Social Behavior Order, but had that slashed by two months.

However, a judge said that Evan’s refusal to say she was sorry warranted keeping her locked up for at least another month.