

Yvonne O’Neill Imperiale had been caring for a feral kitten for two months when her 18-year-old cat was euthanized. In her sadness, she decided to walk on the beach. She opened the door to find the kitten sitting on her doorstep.

“She walked right in, like she knew,” O’Neill Imperiale, an actress and animal rights activist, recalled.

Thirteen years later, Frisky still retains many of her feral traits, raising concerns about her care if O’Neill Imperiale predeceases her. She turned to Frances Carlisle, a lawyer who specializes in pet trusts and all of the legal accessories that insure the special needs of pets like Frisky and the Imperiales’ dachshund, Trooper Thornton, are met.

Carlisle helped the Imperiales craft a $40,000 trust, which is part of Yvonne’s will. It will cover all of the pets’ expenses.

As a kicker, any money left in the trust can be turned over to whatever charity you choose.

The piece of mind for the Imperiales costs just $700 to $1,500. More and more middle-class pet owners are opting for Pet Trusts to ensure their “dependants” are cared for.

“It gives me a certain amount of comfort,” O’Neill Imperiale said. “Vet bills are more expensive than human medical care. No one’s going to take on an animal if it’s going to cost thousands and thousands of dollars. If I stipulate that Frisky needs to be kept alone, they’ll do it.”

Her trust names two separate caregivers for the animals. If they cannot assume the duties, it falls to the trustees to find a replacement, which could be a retirement home like those operated by Bide-A-Wee in New York or Best Friends in Utah. For $15,000, Bide-A-Wee will care for the pet for life.

A pet trust is written within a will, Carlisle explained. It should include a power of attorney for interim pet care if the person is incapacitated. For the elderly, she recommends lifeline programs and health care proxies include care of pets.

“Make a plan for your animals,” Carlisle said. “If it’s in a document, there’s a legal obligation that people take more seriously.”

Today, 39 states – including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut – and the District of Columbia have pet trust provisions on their books. The New York statute limits a trust to 21 years, something Carlisle is working to eliminate, citing the long life expectancies of many species. Parrots can live 90 years.

The Humane Society of the United States offers online help, including a free kit, “Providing for Your Pet’s Future Without You” (