Weird But True


They really do take away all your freedom in prison.

A Florida inmate was convicted of indecent exposure after a guard caught him masturbating in his cell.

Terry Lee Alexander, 20, was sentenced to 60 days in jail in Fort Lauderdale. That’s in addition to the 10 years he’s serving for armed robbery.

Prison officials said privacy is one of the rights inmates give up when incarcerated,

“That’s what jail is,” said a spokesman.


Talk about your lonely men.

Cheveon Alonzo Ford, 21, was charged with dialing 911 nearly 300 times in a month in Pensacola, Fla., just to chat with the dispatchers.

He told cops he made the calls because “I have no minutes on my phone, and 911 is a free call.”

Authorities said many of the calls were sexual in nature. If a male dispatcher answered, Ford would hang up.


That’s just wrong.

Officials in Fargo, N.D., had to shut down the state’s largest public pool on the hottest day of the year after vandals threw a large bag of excrement into the water.

Dave Klundt, assistant director of recreation, said the hooligans “may think it’s a funny prank, but they don’t understand they are displacing a lot of people on a hot day.”

It took 18 hours to disinfect the pool.


Perhaps she was doing her part to stave off global warming.

British firefighters had to rescue a woman in Kent who had fallen headfirst into a recycling bin. She had dropped some clothes into the receptacle, but changed her mind and dove in after them.

The next person to come called for help after seeing a pair of feet sticking out of the container.


This kitten has only eight lives left.

The tiny feline was pulled out of a car’s engine in Scotland after the driver tried to find out what was causing the strange sounds he was hearing.

“There was suddenly a terribly loud noise,” said Victor Gallacher. “I looked in the engine, and there was a kitten under the battery.”