

HIP-HOP theater pioneer Danny Hoch taps into his inner Neil Simon with “Till the Break of Dawn,” a raggedly imperfect but surprisingly sweet and funny sitcom of a play that should particularly appeal to younger audiences.

Gibran (Jaymes Jorsling), who runs a politically activist Web site, organizes a trip to Havana for a group that wants to put on a hip-hop festival there. Coming along are his friends Robert (Johnny Sanchez) and Rebeca (Maribel Lizardo), a teacher couple with relationship issues; Nancy (pattydukes) and her pot-smoking boyfriend Hector (Flaco Navaja), both involved in various artistic pursuits; Adam (Matthew-Lee Erlbach), who runs a small record label; and Big Miff (Dominic Colon), a megaselling rapper.

Hanging out waiting for the fest to begin, the group comes into contact with various characters, including an ex-Black Panther on the lam (Gwendolen Hardwick), a fisherman (Luis Vega), an abrasive ex-New Yorker (Jimmie James) who rents them an apartment, and a French tourist (Bambadjan Bamba).

Hoch’s attempts at exploring deeper themes – the young hip-hoppers’ eventual disillusionment and the horrors of 9/11 – feel awkwardly tacked on. He’s more successful with his well-observed characterizations and the frequently hilarious dialogue. The banter is rude, fast and funny.

The director has elicited terrific performances from the mostly young cast, with particularly strong work by Hardwick and James.

TILL THE BREAK OF DAWNAbrons Arts Center, 466 Grand St.; (212) 352-3101. Through Oct. 21.