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Britney Spears‘ out-of-control antics have finally cost her the mother lode – custody of her kids.

A furious Los Angeles judge yesterday ordered the rebellious, booze- and drug-addled pop star to turn over “physical custody” of her sons – 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James – to their rapper-wannabe dad, Kevin Federline.

The children were to be given to their father by noon tomorrow and remain with him “until further order of the court,” according to the latest ruling in the divorced couple’s sensational custody battle.

But one source said the drop-off of the kids to K-Fed had already been made by yesterday afternoon.

Spears, a fiend for greasy grub, took the boys through the drive-through at a Carl’s Jr. fast-food joint for one last unhealthy meal together before handing the boys over to Federline’s bodyguards at around noon, according to celebrity-photo Web site X17online.

Sources said the judge finally ordered the kids given to K-Fed because Spears appeared have openly scoffed at the court at every turn.

For example, Spears failed to attend court-mandated parenting classes and, more importantly, to submit to twice-a-week, random drug and alcohol testing, said the celebrity-news site

She also reportedly failed to meet with a drug counselor as required – and didn’t even sign the judge’s order demanding that she take the steps to keep partial custody.

But the final straw allegedly came as K-Fed’s lawyer reminded the fed-up judge that Spears had recently been charged in a hit-and-run – and authorities discovered that she had been regularly driving around California with the two kids without a valid driver’s license for the state.

On Friday, the judge, Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Scott Gordon, specifically banned both Spears and K-Fed from driving the kids around without a license, TMZ said.

Then, when the Web site posted photos of Spears still driving around with the kiddies in Malibu as late as Sunday, Gordon reportedly went ballistic.

But Spears seems to be reversing course, getting a California license yesterday just hours after relinquishing her sons, according to X17.

Neither Spears’ nor Federline’s lawyers returned phone calls.

The judge’s ruling came two weeks after Spears’ former bodyguard publicly accused her of openly doing drugs and romping around the house naked in front of the boys.

The next day, Gordon labeled Spears a “habitual” drug user and boozer but still allowed her to have 50-50 custody of her kids with K-Fed.

But Gordon appeared to be warning Spears that this was her last chance to prove that the arrangement should continue – and even seemed doubtful she could stay clean.

He ordered the petered-out pop star to submit to the random testing. He also mandated that Spears regularly see a shrink and meet with a “parenting coach” at least twice weekly.

The loony crooner’s questionable behavior with her kids is infamous.

She was spotted speeding from photographers in her car – with baby Sean on her lap in the front seat – last year.

In another driving mishap, she strapped Sean into a car seat facing the wrong way, potentially endangering his safety.

Spears also came under scrutiny after Sean fell out of his high chair at home and banged his head.

In New York, she once nearly toppled over with the boy in one hand and a glass of water in the other – while walking in high heels. Sean’s head bobbed back as she fought to save him and herself from falling.

And she’s been a mess even without the kids.

Spears’ marriage to Federline, a former backup dancer, ended in November, and she has reportedly spent much of her time since boozing it up and doing drugs.

Earlier this year, she finally checked into a chi-chi rehab clinic, only to walk out shortly after, shave her head and get herself tattooed in front of the cameras.

She and Federline have been battling over the kids since their divorce, but the death knell for her in the custody battle apparently involved her hit-and-run crash this past summer.

Spears was walloped last month with misdemeanor charges after she smashed her car into a vehicle in a parking lot Aug. 6 and then fled. She was found at the time to be driving without a valid California license, authorities said.

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