

Memories of 9/11 have inspired many remarkable things, but this feat of endurance is truly special:

Staten Island Firefighter Lance Ogren is braving the open waters of New York Harbor and Raritan Bay today for a 17.5-mile swim from Battery Park to Sandy Hook, N.J. He’s doing it in memory of his twin brother (and fellow firefighter) Joseph, who was killed at Ground Zero.

He won’t be alone – literally.

Ogren will be racing against nine other swimmers as part of the Manhattan Island Foundation’s 2nd annual Ederle Swim. Depending on wind conditions and boat traffic, he hopes to finish the race in 5½ hours. He’ll also raise $4,500 for the World Trade Center Memorial.

The race is especially significant for Ogren: When his brother died, he lost not only his best friend and FDNY comrade, but his swimming partner as well. Lance and Joseph grew up in the water, competing fiercely against each other throughout their school years.

For his current effort, Lance has been training up to three hours a day, six days a week, at Chelsea Piers and Coney Island.

No doubt, then, he’s up to the task – a fitting tribute to a fallen brother.

Swim on, Lance Ogren.