US News


A Bronx man has sued the ghouls and firms implicated in a multimillion-dollar body-snatch ring, charging they pilfered tissue and bones from his mother’s corpse, desecrating her body and marring his memories.

Henry Caban, 65, a maintenance worker, says now all he can see of his beloved mother, Aura Caban – who worked 12-hour days for 33 years as a packer in a cracker company – is a mangled corpse before cremation and burial.

Caban is suing Biomedical Tissue Services, a Fort Lee N.J., firm that authorities say harvested tissue and organs without proper disease screening or permission from relatives as part of a $4.6 million body-snatching ring.

He also is suing Biomedical’s owner, Michael Mastromarino, a former dental surgeon who allegedly replaced bones with PVC pipes, and master mortician Joseph Nicelli, who allegedly supplied some 1,000 corpses to the ring.

Lawyers for the sued parties declined comment or couldn’t be reached.