US News


The elderly Brooklyn woman tossed to the sidewalk by her unlicensed dentist following a botched surgery has gone into a permanent vegetative state, her outraged family said yesterday.

“My stepmom is a vegetable now,” George Raynor, 45, said of Colette Villemin. “The doctors just told us . . . she’ll never be out of a vegetable state.”

Villemin was a patient of Alexander Poperetchny, who kicked out the 71-year-old woman Tuesday after she fainted during surgery. She was found on the street later that night and rushed to Coney Island Hospital with brain and heart damage due to lack of oxygen.

“This woman was the healthiest member of our family,” Raynor said. “She swam every day. The family knows we’re not going to get our mom back. Her health is deteriorating and her brain functions are less and less each day.”

Poperetchny, who admitted to cops that he has no license, is being held on $50,000 bail.

Investigators could be seen hauling out Poperetchny’s office computer, patient files, X-ray films and other medical supplies yesterday.

A clerk at Liquor World, around the corner from the bogus dentist’s practice, said he came in almost every day to buy a bottle of vodka.

Poperetchny’s lawyer, Arkady Bukh, said his client called 911 when he saw Villemin unconscious, but “denies that he ever did surgery on that lady. My client absolutely denies any wrongdoing.”

Additional reporting by Eric Lenkowitz