US News


Rudy Giuliani‘s self-named consulting firm is in a “holding pattern” as his campaign for the White House pushes forward, sources told The Post.

Giuliani Partners has “a client base [predating the campaign], and they’re working” those accounts, but they are also being extremely “selective” as to whom they work for, said a source familiar with the firm’s activities.

Another source said the company was largely in a “holding pattern,” being cautious about its work as the march toward the Republican primary elections heats up.

Early in the campaign, Giuliani fielded questions about the company’s clientele and about people and groups represented by his law firm, Bracewell and Giuliani.

He has stepped back from the firm’s activities, sources said, in no small part because he is constantly on the road nowadays. Since spring, the firm has been guided by his friend Peter Powers, a former mayoral campaign manager and deputy mayor, sources said.

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