WITH 3½ minutes left in Bills 13, Jets 3, the course of the future of the Jets franchise irrevocably changed. On the sidelines, offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer was informing a surprised Chad Pennington that Kellen Clemens was replacing him, and telling Clemens: “You’re in.”

You can use the two interceptions, one a Hail Mary, that Clemens tossed, and the desperate shovel pass that was nearly picked off, as evidence Clemens isn’t ready, that Eric Mangini’s problems do not start and end with Pennington, which of course they do not. Let’s see what Clemens can do with a full week of reps and with the benefit of a running game.

Because it is pointless for Jet fans to show up to watch this product, this pointless offense, which means it is pointless for Mangini to pretend the 2007 season is anything but meaningless.

Until now, you can argue that it has been admirable that Mangini has been this loyal to Pennington, who has been such an inspiration to the men who watched how he defied odds by coming back the way he did from rotator cuff surgery, who cares and fights as much as he does. Until now, you could make the case that it has been admirable that he has not thrown Pennington (13-20, 106 yards) to the fans, media and wolves as the scapegoat.

Until now.

Mangini, who again did not commit to Pennington for next week, is playing with ire if he has not yet arrived at the point in Jets history where it would be foolhardy for him to change quarterbacks.

And, finally, according to someone in the know, he has.

The roar that erupted from boobirds who had been mercilessly drowning Pennington and the Jets offense, could have told Mangini it was time for a change.

“At the 10-point mark, I wanted to take a look at Kellen,” Mangini said.

At the halfway mark of a sorry 1-7 season, he should want to take a long look at Clemens, because the future has never been more now than it is now.

“Right now we’re just trying to right this ship and get back on track,” Clemens said at his locker, before the club’s PR department ushered him into the interview room.

The ship has sunk.

For Clemens, mature beyond his years, this is a delicate quandary because of the respect he has for Pennington.

“Should you be the starter?” someone wanted to know.

“Well, we’re gonna leave that up to Coach Mangini,” Clemens said. “He makes the decisions, and like I say, everybody’s frustrated right now with the loss and with the situation, and we’re gonna work hard this week and try to get it corrected.”

“Are you ready to be the starter?” someone asked.

“I prepare each week as if I’m going to be the starter; whether or not I’m ready or not is a coach’s decision,” Clemens said.

What infuriates the boobirds are those maddening dumpoff passes on third-and-long to Thomas Jones that have no chance to get the first down. “They had a great game-plan and really stuck it to us,” Pennington said. Towards the end of the third quarter came the kind of pass that told you exactly why Pennington’s days are numbered. Pennington, third-and-11 at his 15, he looked left for Jerricho Cotchery . . . and sadly bounced him the pass. His longest completion was 21 yards. It’s The Little Engine That Can’t.

“Like I said before, I don’t have anything to be ashamed of,” Pennington says.

He does not. But the argument that he gives the Jets the better chance to win has been rendered moot. Because there is nothing to win. “I understand the nature of this business, and I understand the dynamics of our organization, and what’s going on within our organization, and whatever happens, I’m gonna be . . . me . . .” Pennington said. “And whatever decision Coach decides to make, that’s his decision. And that’s out of my control.”

He expected to finish. “I just don’t think it’s in our beings as professional athletes to where you think negatively or you think you’re going to be sat down,” Pennington said. “You wouldn’t make it this far and reach this league by thinking negatively and thinking that bad things are gonna happen and always being pessimistic.”

At 1-7, Clemens is the only reason left to be optimistic.

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