

Gov. Spitzer may finally be developing a political ear. If so, it could spell good news for a politically beleaguered New York.

Just hours after withdrawing his spectacularly unpopular proposal to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, Spitzer yesterday reversed course on yet another issue: his administration’s plan to require more online retailers to collect sales taxes – which was slated to hit shoppers just in time for Christmas.

Spitzer’s driver’s-license U-turn followed by just a day a new poll showing that 70 percent of New Yorkers oppose the governor’s proposal. The plan had also sunk his approval ratings to new lows.

His decision to deep-six the Internet-tax scheme came the same day news of it broke.

Clearly, the governor didn’t want yet another political firestorm on his hands.

So? Could it be that the governor does care about such things?

Maybe there’s hope for him yet.

Now he has one more issue to address – that is, his role in his office’s Dirty Tricks campaign to smear state Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno.

If Spitzer really wants to move on with the state’s business, as he says he does, he’ll need to take up that matter as swiftly and forthrightly as he killed his Internet tax.

That means testifying about the affair – honestly, publicly and under oath.

Such testimony is the only way to make the scandal go away. With another legislative session just six weeks out, now’s the time for Spitzer to bite the bullet.

New York is waiting.