US News


CHARLESTON, SC – Former president Bill Clinton urged black Democrats yesterday to ignore Barack Obama‘s rich and most famous supporter and vote for Hillary in the Democratic primary here in less than two months.

Saying “the time has come” for the federal government to provide universal health care, Clinton told an audience of black women that they would benefit most from better coverage.

“South Carolina has a bigger stake than almost any state in America,” he said, noting that nearly 700,000 people there lack health insurance.

“And because of the racial disparities in health care, the African-American community has a big stake in this.”

Clinton’s swing through Charleston this weekend comes as Obama rolls into the early-primary state today with mega talk-show star Oprah Winfrey.

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Obama have about equal support here among blacks, who make up a solid half of the Dem vote in this crucial early state.

Just because Obama has netted the endorsement of one of America’s most influential black figures, the Clinton campaign isn’t about to cede the field of black voters.

Traveling with Clinton was Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a lion of the civil-rights movement.

Without mentioning Obama, Lewis pointedly dismissed him as too green for the White House.

Hillary Clinton, like so many of us, is not a Johnny-come-lately,” he said. “She believes health care is a right.”

Audience members said they were well aware of Winfrey’s planned visit to the state but weren’t necessarily impressed. “I watch Oprah every day,” said Angie Evans. “But just because she supports him doesn’t mean I’m going to.”

Meanwhile, Hillary stumped Iowa with her 88-year-old mother, Dorothy Rodham, and daughter Chelsea Clinton, making her first appearance with her mom on the 2008 trail. Opening the swing, the candidate noted that her family is able to care for her mother as she ages.

“I’m fortunate, my mother lives with Bill and me,” said Hillary. “Lots of times she has more energy than we do.”

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