US News


American Airlines passengers will either be left holding the bag – or paying 15 bucks to check it in.

Next month, the airline will begin charging the fee for the first checked bag on all domestic flights, as soaring fuel prices and the stalling economy make the skies less friendly than ever. And that’s just a start – American will also hike charges for oversized bags, transporting pets and other services. The amount of those increases hasn’t been decided.

“We no longer get free meals, we no longer get free drinks, and now there’ll be no more putting bags on the plane for free. It’s money on top of money on top of money,” said Frank Rubolino, 26, a sales rep from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, traveling through Newark Airport yesterday.

Some La Guardia passengers worried the fee will encourage people to crowd overhead luggage bins.

“I’m the one the luggage usually falls on when people open that bin!” said Penny Bowdman, who was heading home to Dallas.

Premium frequent fliers, people paying full fare and passengers headed abroad or flying business or first class won’t have to pay the $15 fee, which kicks in for domestic tickets bought on or after June 15.

Gerard Arpey, CEO of American’s parent, AMR Corp., defended the fees yesterday, explaining, “The airline industry, as it is constituted today, was not built to withstand oil prices at $125 a barrel.”

Rick Seaney, CEO of and an expert on airline pricing, says two or three other US airlines will likely follow American’s lead.

Seaney said American’s new bag charge could slow down the bogged-down check-in process, lengthening security lines and forcing more gate checks of baggage as passengers try to carry on more.

“There’s the possibility of a bunch of passengers getting on the plane and having to gate-check their baggage because the overhead bins will be full,” he said. “That might reduce on-time departures.”

Additional reporting by Carolyn Salazar and Lorena Mongelli

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