US News


LOS ANGELES – The mother of the Southern California woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets sounded a conciliatory note toward her daughter yesterday in a TV interview posted online.

Angela Suleman had criticized Nadya Suleman’s decision to expand her family through artificial insemination despite already having six young children.

But she told CBS’s “The Early Show” that her anger subsided once she saw the babies.

“I thought, ‘These are my grandchildren. They’re so tiny and fragile. I’ll have to be there for them, you know, like I was for the others,’ ” she said.

“You can resent your daughter for just so long, and then you see that she’s trying so hard to take care of these children. She’s a very good mother . . . But, then, she had a good example.”

The six older kids have been living in their grandma’s three-bedroom home. But Angela Suleman, who’s retired, said she won’t have enough space for the octuplets, born last month.

More of the interview was to air Tuesday on “The Early Show.”