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Kobe Bryant’s maid is sick of taking crap from the NBA star’s vile-tempered wife, and has sued the couple for emotional distress, according to court papers.

Read the Complaint Here

Family housekeeper Maria Jimenez claims Bryant’s wife, Vanessa, routinely harangued her — calling her “lazy, slow, dumb, a fking liar and fking sh-t” — and ordered her to stick her hand in a bag of dog feces to retrieve a price tag for a blouse that had been thrown away with the pet poop.

In a suit filed in California’s Orange County Superior Court, Jimenez said the abusive Lakers wife made the disgusting demand after the maid put an expensive blouse in the washing machine. Vanessa – who insisted Jimenez reimburse her for the frock wanted to show her how much it cost, the papers allege.

When Jimenez tried to quit, Vanessa Bryant told her she “had to work until payday to pay for the $690 blouse, which she did.”

Jimenez is suing more than $127,000 in unpaid medical benefits, more than $20,000 in unpaid wages and an unspecified amount in general and punitive damages. The suit claims Jimenez was subjected to wrongful firing, emotional distress, unpaid wages and invasion of privacy.

The feces-fishing incident is one in a long list of alleged abuses in the Bryant manse.

Vanessa has accused Jimenez of stealing her dental retainer, and “badgered, harassed and humiliated” the housekeeper by “yelling and screaming” at her in front of Bryant, the couple’s kids, and other people in the house.

Jimenez tried to quit, but Kobe Bryant talked her out of it, the suit claims.

With additional reporting by Terry Schermerhorn