US News


At least four Kings County Hospital employees could face criminal charges for covering up a shocking case of neglect — a patient who fell off her chair in a psych-ward waiting room and died on the floor as staffers ignored her.

The Brooklyn DA’s Office yesterday says it plans to investigate a scathing city Department of Investigation report that uncovers the callous mistreatment of Esmin Green by hospital doctors and nurses.

Green, 49, who had a history of mental illness, was sitting in a waiting room for nearly 24 hours before collapsing from a blood clot on June 19, 2008.

She sat motionless on the floor for an hour before a nurse checked her pulse, but by then she was dead. Surveillance tapes captured the neglect.

The report found:

* Senior nurse Aida Gonzalo made three false entries in Green’s medical records, making it appear that 45 minutes before Green was found dead, she was in normal physical condition.

* Nursing aide Royal Easton made false entries, saying he observed Green asleep twice between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m., when, in fact, Easton was on break.

* Dr. Rashed Abedin and Dr. Dimitru Magardician both said they tried to examine Green, but video proved that untrue.

Two other doctors made false entries, the report said.

A hospital spokeswoman said the “psychiatric unit has been overhauled from top to bottom.”

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