

It’s understood that top FDNY brass are held above reproach when it comes to the failures of their department.

But who knew they were even above question?

That’s the upshot of a new Department of Investigation report probing the fatal 2007 fire at the former Deutsche Bank building at Ground Zero.

Firefighters Robert Beddia and Joseph Graffagnino died because a standpipe had been cut the year before and fire exits had been blocked by plywood.

Plus, the FDNY had ignored requirements that it have a plan for fighting a fire in the building, while departmental inspections — mandated every 15 days — hadn’t happened in over a year.

Last week’s report makes clear that failures happened up and down the line.

But, astonishingly, DOI gumshoes apparently didn’t even ask Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta what he knew about the practices of the men in his command.

This, despite the revelation that even the department’s Manhattan borough commander knew full well that required inspections weren’t being performed.

To be sure, the DOI report does give Scoppetta plenty of space to crow about new, stricter, safety procedures.

But the new routines won’t bring back Beddia and Graffagnino.

Mayor Bloomberg was intent on giving Scoppetta a walk from Day One.

Obviously, the DOI feels that way, too.