
‘Abused’ B’klyn boy, 4, dead

A 4-year-old boy died at his Brooklyn home yesterday, and signs point to child abuse, sources said.

The mother of Jayden Lenescar told cops she found him unconscious in their Crown Heights home at 2:30 p.m. and called 911. The tot was pronounced dead at Kings County Hospital.

“There was bruising on the body,” said a police official.

The child’s mother and father were questioned at the 71st Precinct last night. No charges have been filed.

Witness Anna Gilliam described the chaotic scene as paramedics tried to revive the boy.

“They were pressing on his chest, and his mom was crying and screaming,” she said. “They had oxygen on his mouth. The mother was hollering, ‘Lord, no! Don’t let my baby die!’ ”

A police official said the death “appears to be suspicious.”