US News

Obama set for Afghan surge

WASHINGTON — President Obama is close to a final decision to add 30,000 to 40,000 more troops to the 68,000 already in Afghanistan — a move that likely will enrage much of his anti-war, liberal base.

The troop surge would likely begin in January, Obama administration officials said yesterday, with a mission to stiffen the defense of 10 key cities and towns.

It would be the end of 2010 before the final reinforcements arrive.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the commander of US forces in Afghanistan, has requested 40,000 soldiers and Marines.

The Army brigade expected to play the leading role will be from upstate Fort Drum, which has been told it will not deploy to Iraq, as originally planned.

The brigade has not been given any new assignment yet.

In addition to Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division, the surge also would include the 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell in Kentucky and a Marine brigade.

Additionally, 7,000 troops would be sent to the restive city of Kandahar, Fox News Channel said.

McChrystal made waves last month by saying new troops are desperately needed to push back the advancing Taliban.

Obama has struggled for months over McChrystal’s request.

Vice President Joe Biden has said he believes troop levels should stay about what they are now.

Obama has been considering everything from a full-scale counterinsurgency to a far smaller effort to surgically target key al Qaeda installations.

Increasingly, military officials have told Obama — and the public — that more troops are needed to quell violence in Afghanistan until Afghan troops can be better trained.

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