
Gov’s negatives higher than Monserrate’s

ALBANY – Some cutting news for Gov. Paterson: A new poll out this morning shows he beats Senate outcast Hiram Monserrate in the battle of Albany’s pariahs.

The statewide Siena survey shows more voters have a negative view of the Democratic executive (55 percent) than Monserrate (47 percent), a one-time turncoat who was ousted by his colleagues this month after his domestic violence conviction.

Of course, fewer people know Monserrate than Paterson. Some 47 percent said they don’t know enough to form an opinion about the former lawmaker and only 10 percent don’t have an opinion about the governor.

In fact, Paterson slid backwards in all categories of public opinion even as he kicked off a long shot election bid against all-but-certain Democratic standard bearer, Andrew Cuomo.

Paterson’s favorability rating slipped three points since January to 35 percent amid the weeks-long swirl about his personal lifestyle and the ongoing budget furor. His job approval also fell two points to 22 percent. Voters prefer “someone else” by more than 3-to-1 in this year’s governor’s race.

Cuomo also improved his lead over Paterson to 44 points in a potential Democratic primary as fence-sitters drifted back to the popular attorney general.

Little known Republican Rick Lazio jumped ahead of Paterson (46 percent to 39 percent) in a potential general election match-up, underscoring Democratic concerns about the governor’s viability.

Lazio gained some ground against Cuomo, too, but continues to trail 26 percent to 63 percent.