
Former Woods girlfriend plans to be in Augusta for Tiger’s return

Tiger Woods better watch his back in Augusta.

Tiger’s former mistress, Joslyn James, said she plans to be at The Masters in Augusta next month when Woods makes his much anticipated return to the greens.

This comes as James told Fox News in an interview today that several people in Tiger’s inner circle knew that she was having sex with Woods.

She said she released text messages, e-mails and other proof of their three-year relationship on her Web site to prove to everyone what a dog Tiger was.

“To get the truth out there,” she told Fox News in an interview last night.


James, known off stage as Veronica Siwik-Daniels, also named names of Tiger’s entourage who she claims helped her and the golfer keep their secret trysts hidden between the sheets.

Specifically, James called out long-time Tiger confidante Byron Bell, who she claimed arranged travel for her to meet up with Woods.

James even dropped the name of caddie Steve Williams, who has steadfastly claimed she doesn’t know the 36DD star of skin flicks like ‘‘Big Breasted Nurses’’ and ‘‘Big Tops 2.’’

“They’re saying that his inner-circle didn’t know anything about his infidelities and his transgressions and that’s just false,” James told Fox News Channel.

“There were a few people in his inner-cirlce that I saw regularly that knew who I was and that [knew] the dynamics of the relationship that I had with Tiger throughout the whole three years we were together.”

James said she deserves an apology from Tiger because he had to gall to cheat with other women, other than her.

“I was overhearing way too many people talking in public, in Vegas, in clubs … and I knew it was just a mater of time” before all of Woods’ trysts would become public, she said.

James is also scheduled to appear at an Atlanta strip club, about two hours out of Augusta.

The Pink Pony posted on its Web site a map with directions from Augusta National Golf Club to the jiggle joint.

Two weeks ago, James posted 122 text messages on her Web site that she says Woods sent her between July and October of last year, with flurries of correspondence when he appeared at tournaments in Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts and at a media tour for a golf course he is designing in North Carolina.

The message string does not include what James wrote back.

In between arranging to hook up with James in hotel rendezvous, Woods whimpered about his desire to “bite” her and make her “beg” for sex with him, have a threesome with her and another woman — and even suggested urinating on her.

“Have you ever had a golden shower done to you?” he asked.

A minute later, presumably in response to her asking if that was what he wanted to do, he wrote, “Just morbid curiosity.”

Then he admitted: “Never done it. I think I would get stage fright.”

When he wasn’t talking about sex, many of Woods’ messages detailed the mundane back-and-forth of arranging an illicit assignation, such as discussing flight details and the location of his hotel room.

Clearly aware of protecting his carefully manicured public persona as a dutiful family man, Woods was adamant that the surgically enhanced James be very discreet.

“You can come down the stair well next to your room. Make sure absolutely no one sees you,” he instructed during one hotel hookup.

But Woods was always quick to remind James, star of “Porn Star Brides” and “Top Heavy 4,” that the meetings were not about cuddling and flowers.

“You are my f- – -ing whore,” he wrote. “Hold you down while I choke you and f- – – that a- – that I own.”