US News

RNC chief of staff resigns as strip club controversy rages on

The fallout continued Monday from the Republican National Committee’s questionable spending practices when chief of staff Ken McKay stepped down, according to reports in The National Journal and Politico.

McKay’s resignation came just hours after a co-chairman of the RNC’s top fundraising board announced he was exiting the organization.

Controversy has flared since a report last week that the RNC paid $2,000 in entertainment at a Los Angeles-area strip club.

RNC spokesman Doug Heye declined to say whether or not McKay had been asked to step down but told the The National Journal: “The chairman felt it was critical to make a move swiftly to ensure that no improper expenses happen in the future.”

Chairman Michael Steele rejected calls for his own resignation Monday, telling ABC News his political style was simply “a little bit more streetwise” than some would prefer.

Mike Leavitt will become the new RNC chief of staff, starting immediately, Politico reported. Leavitt ran Steele’s failed 2006 Senate campaign.

The chairwoman of the RNC’s “Young Eagles” program, which organized the strip club outing, lost her job last week.