
Business briefs

Toyota target

Insurance companies are gearing up to recoup from Toyota money they paid for claims in crashes involving sudden acceler ation, the subject of major safety recalls by the Japanese automaker. It could also mean money back for some drivers who paid deductibles. At least six major insurers, including State Farm In surance, Allstate and Geico, have begun exam ining past claims involv ing the recalled vehicles — about 14 million worldwide.

Big broker

Citic Securities, China’s largest brokerage by mar ket value, and France’s Credit Agricole are near ing an agreement to form a global brokerage ven ture, including China and the Asia Pacific region, sources said.


China will lend Vene zuela $20 billion and form a joint venture with a state company to pump crude oil from an Ori noco Belt block, Presi dent Hugo Chavez said as he promised to meet Bei jing’s energy needs.

Cloud cover

A joint mission of Euro pean officials and the In ternational Monetary Fund to Greece has been delayed by the volcanic ash cloud and will arrive on Wednesday if possi ble, Greek officials said.