
Bill Gallo dead at 88

Bill Gallo, the celebrated Daily News sports cartoonist and columnist, died late last night at White Plains Hospital due to complications from pneumonia. He was 88.

Gallo’s career spanned 70 years at the News during which he became a New York legend famous for his award-winning drawings and sports cartoons. He also wrote about boxing and is a member of the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

“My father is a lasting legend to New York, and to New York sports,” said Gallo’s son Greg, a former executive sports editor of The Post. “He will be forever thought of as a great cartoonist for the Daily News, but he will also be remembered as the gentleman he was to all the people he came across, everybody in the streets of the city. People loved him because he was a special human being.”

Gallo is also survived by his wife Delores, his son Bill Jr., a brother, Henry, and four grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements will be announced.