
Rape ‘flub’ furor


A man questioned in four recent Brooklyn sex assaults was charged last night in the latest attack — as Internal Affairs Bureau investigators probed whether cops initially botched their handling of the case.

William Giraldo, 24, of Bensonhurst, was charged with rape, sex abuse, robbery and assault in the attack on a 28-year-old woman Saturday night.

Giraldo allegedly followed his victim into a Sunset Park building, where he forced her to the floor, raped her and fled with her purse, authorities said.

He was not charged in three other Brooklyn attacks that police believe have been committed by one man since March.

Giraldo walked into the 66th Precinct station house yesterday to identify himself as the person on a Dunkin’ Donuts surveillance video that cops released Monday.

The video showed a man wanted in connection with attempted rapes on March 20, May 3 and May 29, and the rape last Saturday.

Four women were brought to the Brooklyn Special Victims Unit yesterday to view line-ups that included Giraldo.

He was picked out by the woman in the most recent attack, but not by the others, a source said.

Meanwhile, The Post has learned that the IAB is investigating the police response to the first sex assault.

In that incident, the brute grabbed a woman on 16th Street in Park Slope — but she desperately fought him off as she screamed for help before breaking free and fleeing.

The suspect fled as neighbors ran out of their homes, among them a resident named Ray whose home surveillance camera captured the shocking attack.

Cops arrived and drove around the area, unsuccessfully looking for the assailant and the victim.

“Ray was telling the police, ‘I have the tape, I have the tape,’ ” said neighbor Donald Harrington. But cops said “they weren’t interested,” Harrington added.

Law-enforcement sources who confirmed the IAB probe said the cops who responded notified 911 that the March 20 call was “unfounded” after being unable to locate the woman.

Hours later, the victim called cops, sources said.

About 10 days later, the woman called to inquire about the case — and police realized it had been improperly marked as closed, sources said.

After that, a female detective interviewed the woman, who told her it was a sex assault, the source said. Weeks later, the cops finally obtained the video, residents said.

Additional reporting by Daniel Gold and Ikimulisa Livingston

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