
Fishermen to lawmakers: Population data’s a ‘fluke’

If you were under the impression that regulations for summer flounder will be more relaxed for next season, you would be wrong.

Because of obsolete NOAA harvest statistics and questionable assessment data, summer flounder (fluke) fishermen will take another hit in 2012. But not without a fight: Coastal fishermen are planning to hit back at Washington sometime this winter.

A Northeast Fisheries Science Center report indicates that while the summer flounder stock was successfully rebuilt in 2010, angler harvest data compiled through the Marine Recreational Fishing Statistical Survey (MRFSS) and applied to NOAA assessment models predicts fishing mortality rate will be exceeded in 2011, causing statutory overfishing to occur. In addition to known flaws with the MRFSS data, independent scientists have also been critical of the assessment models used by the federal fisheries service.

Citing these new findings, the Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) warns that harvest limits originally recommended by council members for 2012 are actually too high and may need to be reduced.

“In conducting stock assessments, NOAA Fisheries is using recreational harvest data deemed fatally flawed and woefully inaccurate by the National Academy of Sciences, which is exactly why Congress told them to stop using MRFSS as of 2009,” said Jim Donofrio, the Recreational Fishing Alliances’ executive director. “Whether it’s sea bass, red snapper or fluke, annual or semi-annual stock assessments don’t mean squat when you’re using illicit data and questionable models.”

Two years ago, RFA brought a federal lawsuit against NOAA for closing the black sea bass fishery using data compiled through MRFSS. Based on the NOAA testimony, a federal judge determined that there would no future fishing closures based on MRFSS data given the fact that NOAA was no longer using MRFSS, rendering RFA’s lawsuit moot. That’s a concern that Donofrio and the RFA have specifically brought to the attention of Congress and will do again this winter.


The Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum will hold the Fourth Annual Arts of the Angler Show at the Ethan Allen Inn, in Danbury, Conn., on Saturday and Sunday. The show combines the finest in vintage collectibles and contemporary fly fishing arts. In addition to the show featuring the bamboo rod making, fly tying, books and artwork, a live consignment auction of collectibles will be held after a special dinner on Saturday evening.

For more detailed information on the Arts of the Angler Show, see the website at