
Ex-con nabbed after robbing elderly men in Stuy Town

An ex-con was nabbed after robbing two elderly men in Stuyvesant Town, police said.

Henry Huggins, 51, whose latest two muggings were caught on video, was identified from a wanted poster, police said.

One victim, who suffered a fractured shoulder during the brazen Nov. 23 attack, hopes the heartless crook stays behind bars for good.

“I’m glad he’s caught, otherwise he would’ve continued doing this,” said William Shafer, 71, who was mugged inside his E. 20th Street

apartment building shortly after withdrawing cash from a nearby ATM machine. “I just hope he stays in jail and doesn’t get out.”

The thug followed Shafer into his lobby and caught him by surprise, violently knocking him to the ground and rifling through his pockets before fleeing with the cash, police said.

“The violence was totally unnecessary. I would have given him the money,” Shafer said.

In another incident on Nov. 3, the bandit targeted another man who had withdrawn money from an ATM. He sneaked behind a 77-year-old victim as he was entering his First Ave. Stuyvesant Town building and shoved him against a wall, cops said. He fled with the money.

Huggins is charged with two counts of robbery and burglary, police said. He was previously convicted of robbery and grand larceny and has an extensive arrest history, police said.