
O’s Halloween trick: Party’s no treat for voters

The Issue: Whether the White House kept secret its exclusive Halloween party in 2009.


When they came to the White House, the Obamas wanted to promote the image that they were modest, humble, fiscally responsible people (“In Depp Doo-Doo,” Jan. 10).

But based on Jodi Kantor’s new book, “The Obamas,” it looks like they were sometimes lavish and extravagant in their expenditures.

For example, their Halloween bash for local children and hundreds of military families in 2009 went over the top when it turned into an allegedly secret “Alice in Wonderland”-themed Hollywood-style party.

There were decorations created by director Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp made an appearance as the Mad Hatter.

With millions of Americans out of work, this was not the time to be flashy and ostentatious.

K. Zimmerman

Huntington Beach, Calif.


A lie of omission is every bit as much a falsehood as a lie of commission.

So when President Obama hid the truth from suffering Americans about his expensive “one-percenter” Halloween party, he was lying just as much as when he tells us his trips on Air Force One are not campaign trips.

Jerry Cunningham

Wilton, Conn.


Why would this surprise anyone? This is what the Obamas do.

They spend money foolishly because it isn’t coming out of their own pockets. To do this during a recession shows how incapable Obama is of behaving appropriately in office.

Obama won’t be happy until he spends this country into bankruptcy and leaves the American people with hyperinflation.

What’s next, Obama? A “Cat in The Hat” party? Why don’t you try playing Harry Houdini and disappear.

J. DePascale



The revelation about the White House costume ball is truly disturbing.

With the media mostly looking the other way, poor behavior by our president is allowed to flourish.

Obama seems blind to the fact that the presidency requires humility rather than arrogance.

Presidents historically, with some exceptions, have shown humility, not arrogance, as the nation’s face of power and influence.

Those who created this country designed the role of the president to provide leadership for the benefit of the common citizen. This great idea was not lost on Presidents Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Truman, Kennedy and Reagan.

Victor Kemp



There has been a protective cloak around this administration since its onset. In previous administrations, we had pictures and reports of events that went on at the White House weekly.

A “let them eat cake” attitude has prevailed. The masses make little protest, as no one really seems to care enough to take it seriously.

Maybe when Obama is “crowned” president again in November, Americans will understand, but I doubt it.

Everyone has been kept too busy trying to keep the wolf away from the door or playing on their iPhones to stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”

D. Fleming

Sea Girt, NJ


From the day Obama was inaugurated, his motto has been, “A day without Obama in full media spotlight is like a day without sun.”

Now, almost 2 1/2 years later, we learn about Obama’s bash from a New York Times reporter.

Even more curious is that we were told by the White House that there was no effort to keep the party from public disclosure.

Donald Nawi
