
Report: Brian Nielsen’s Red Bull stay extended 6 months

Maybe the third time is the charm for oft-injured Red Bull Brian Nielsen, with the Danish midfielder expected back on a six-month loan according to

Nielsen was brought in during the 2010 season _ signed by Salzburg and lent out to New York _ as a highly-touted prospect that had somewhat lost his way, and has lived down to that billing. The winger has played just three MLS games while earning $120,000 according to MLS Players Union figures.

His term in New York was to have ended on New Year’s Eve, and he was then to have moved on to Salzburg. But now the latest report says the Austrian club has opted to leave Nielsen in New York for another six months due to his history of injuries.

“He has the injury history here, and therefore they would like to see him six months more,’’ said Nielsen’s agent Kim Wacker according to Google translations.”This (makes) Brian obviously very happy, and now he hopes only that he may come up in gear. Now he will have for the first time an entire winter boot to get (in) shape.’’

The timing makes some sense, since Red Bull New York GM Erik Soler has intimated that he expects to sign an attack-minded midfielder this summer, with Nielsen’s loan ostensibly expiring in the summer and his possible departure coinciding with the third Designated Player’s arrival.