
Staff ax at WTC

And then there were two.

Officials are cutting all Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center staffers, save two, as work at the World Trade Center site reaches its critical end stage.

Five members of the city-state agency’s staff were told they’d be canned by the end of March, sources said.

In 2004, Mayor Bloomberg and then-Gov. George Pataki established the LMCCC to oversee construction south of Canal Street. The executive order was renewed last year to ensure oversight of the coming boom years. The 105-story building at 1 WTC — to be the nation’s tallest — is to be completed in 2013.

The two surviving staffers are David Frucher, director of capital planning and construction coordination, and spokeswoman Robin Forst.

The fired workers oversaw and coordinated the construction schedules of competing projects downtown and helped plan the movement of construction workers and materials to the area. The LMCCC at its peak employed 22 people.