
A case of negative energy

The Issue: Whether EPA policies are used to promote economic and environmental ideologies.


Michelle Malkin clearly makes the case that President Obama’s energy policy is nothing but a vicious attack on industries that could satisfy our dire need for oil, gas and coal resources — and jobs (“‘Crucify Them’: O’s Real Energy Policy,” PostOpinion, April 28).

If a hostile foreign power attempted to do to this great nation what Obama has done, it would be cause for a declaration of war.

John Fox

Galloway, NJ


Obama’s captains at agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency need no evidence before initiating legal action against legitimate energy firms whose only transgression appears to be that they trade in fossil fuels instead of trendy alternative sources of energy.

If you are smarter and more powerful than all others, why shouldn’t you have the right to threaten your opponents and scare them into submission?

Paul Bloustein



Thank God for the big oil companies. They pay billions in taxes, employ thousands and are America’s lifeblood.

Obama’s attack on American business will never succeed.

JR Cummings
