US News

Jailed hook-handed Muslim preacher changes name to improve image

LONDON — Hook-handed Abu Hamza, a notorious Islamist facing extradition from the UK to the US, changed his name to try to shake off his hate-preaching past.

The jailed rabble-rouser now wishes to be known as Mustafa Kamal Mustafa.

Staff at London’s top security Belmarsh Prison, where he is awaiting extradition, were instructed to address him by his new name instead of Abu Hamza al Masri.

A UK government source said: “He is trying to shed the enormous amount of baggage associated with his old name. He can call himself what he likes officially but he will be forever known as Abu Hamza.”

The preacher was named Mustafa Kamal Mustafa at birth in Egypt. But when he became involved in Islamic extremism he switched to Abu Hamza — which in Arabic means “strong and steadfast.”

It became synonymous with vile anti-Western rants which eventually earned him a seven-year jail sentence for soliciting murder.

European judges ruled Hamza, 54, can be sent to America to stand trial on terror charges which carry up to 99 years’ jail. He has until July 10 to appeal.

To read more, go to The Sun.