
Valentine puts blame on Youkilis for Red Sox rift

Bobby Valentine puts the blame firmly on Kevin Youkilis for the issues between the two that eventually led to Youkilis being traded away.

Valentine, the first-year Red Sox manager, said Youkilis “made a big issue” out of a Valentine comment early in the season, according to Youkilis, a fan favorite in Boston, was dealt to the White Sox on June 25.

“I don’t think he ever wanted to get over it,” Valentine said.

The comment the former Mets manager was referring to came April 15 when he said he didn’t think Youkilis was as “physically or emotionally into the game as he has been in the past for some reason.” Youkilis was not happy the next day and met with Valentine and Red Sox general manager Ben Cherington.

“I’m more confused than anything, because I think everyone knows I go out and play the game as hard as I can,” Youkilis said at the time.

Since the trade, Youkilis is hitting .316 with three home runs and 15 RBIs and has had either a game-winning hit or sacrifice fly in five of the 15 games he’s played. In 42 games with the Red Sox, Youkilis hit .233 with 14 RBIs.

Valentine said he didn’t know if the relationship between the two was strained.

“It was whatever he wanted it to be,” Valentine said.

On Sunday, Youkilis refused to comment on Valentine’s newest criticism, according to the Associated Press.

“I got nothing about any of that stuff,” Youkilis said before a game against the Kansas City Royals. “I’m over all the Boston thing of this year. There is a lot of great past history, but the focus is on the White Sox.”

With AP