
Slay kid mom’s anguished plea

 Shianne Norman (above) pleads for help in finding who killed her son, Lloyd Morgan.

Shianne Norman (above) pleads for help in finding who killed her son, Lloyd Morgan.

Lloyd Morgan

Lloyd Morgan (NY Post: G.N.Miller)

(Wayne Carrington)

Shell casings are marked in a playground yesterday as Shianne Norman (left) pleads for help in finding who killed her son, Lloyd Morgan, there. (

The parents of a 4-year-old boy killed by a stray bullet during a shootout at a charity basketball game decried the gun violence that is sweeping the streets yesterday.

“It was senseless! This should not have happened. My son was 4,” sobbed Lloyd Morgan’s mother, Shianne Norman, 27.

“All I know is my baby is gone.”

She pleaded with witnesses to come forward and assist police.

“There were entirely too many people outside to not know who pulled the trigger. Please, please, there’s no snitching when it’s a 4-year-old boy,” said Norman, who took her son to the games Sunday night because he liked basketball.

Grieving father Lloyd Morgan Sr., 26, described the horrifying moment when she realized their son was dead.

When the gunshots rang out, “mother instincts took over,” he told The Post. “She’s looking for her child, and she finds him with a bullet in his head.

That was his dream, to see a lot of basketball,” he said, adding that when he got home at 6 a.m. from his shift as a security guard, his little boy would greet him bouncing a ball.

Morgan was supposed to attend Bronx Lighthouse Academy.

“It would have been his first year at school,” his dad said.

And it isn’t the first time that Lloyd Sr. has buried a child.

“This is my second child that’s been taken away from me,” he said.

Six years ago, his then-girlfriend Shelly Courcelle gave birth at home to “Baby M,” then killed the newborn and stuffed it in a closet. She was convicted of manslaughter and paroled just two weeks ago.

The shootout likely began when two gunmen spotted a man they believed recently shot their friend and opened fire, a police source said.

The bullets hit Courtney Kelly, 27, Chris Forte, 21, and Morgan.

Cops arrested Kelly, who was shot in the stomach and is still in the hospital, because he had repeatedly failed to report to his parole officer for a robbery conviction.

Coincidently, Kelly is the brother of the slain woman who was being memorialized at the basketball tournament at the Forest Houses in Morrisania.

The event was supposed to honor Troynisha Harris, 18, who was stabbed to death two years ago in what remains an unsolved murder.

The second man injured, Forte, was released from the hospital yesterday after being shot through the arm.

The random violence made him rethink the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk program.

“People carry weapons. What’s going to happen, the whole world’s going to carry weapons and think it’s OK?” he asked.

Mayor Bloomberg sent his condolences to the Lloyd family yesterday.

“Four years old. Your life snuffed out. There’s not a lot left to say,” Bloomberg said.

And Assemblyman Eric Stevenson (D-Bronx), who said the violence made him support stop-and-frisk, said he would introduce legislation requiring cops to carry metal-detecting wands.

“We think it would be more appropriate to have scanners to detect metal right away and detect if it’s a gun or not.’ he said.

Additional reporting by Larry Celona, Jessica Simeone and Jamie Schram.