
Socialite in traffic bust on LI

The socialite wife of embattled hedge-fund billionaire Phil Falcone was arrested for driving while impaired and without a license after a Saturday Hamptons crash — as her husband ranted at cops, according to a police report and a witness.

Lisa Falcone, a 48-year-old film producer, had just left the Hampton Classic Horse Show when she made a sharp turn in her Mercedes SUV in Bridgehampton and rear-ended another Mercedes before smashing into a parked Verizon van.

She pleaded with the owner of the Mercedes she hit, Bob Cohen, and Verizon worker Fred Ledermann not to call police, “saying her husband would pay for everything,” the witness said. But Ledermann did call.

Her spouse, who is facing civil-fraud charges filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, soon arrived and shouted at cops to wait for a tow truck.

A Southampton Town officer got so fed up with the billionaire’s bellowing that he ordered him to the side of the road and called for backup, the witness added.

Because she smelled of alcohol and was staggering, the officer asked Lisa Falcone to take a Breathalyzer, according to a police report.

From the side of the road, her still-simmering husband yelled, “Don’t take it!’’

When the cop threatened to arrest her because of the refusal, Phil changed his advice to “Take it! Take it!’’ according to the witness.

Lisa eventually did take a breath test and registered under the legal alcohol limit, but she admitted to taking prescription pills for an ankle injury and pleaded not guilty to driving while ability impaired.