Ryan’s legacy on line with decision with Jets’ QB decision

Leave it to the Jets to create a controversy that involves not two quarterbacks, but three. That’s what Rex Ryan has to navigate this week in what looms as the biggest decision of his tenure as head coach.

His handling of what has become a delicate, highly charged situation could offer the most telling evidence of whether he is worthy of leading the Jets for at least another season. After day one, the jury is still out.

Less than 24 hours earlier, Ryan had benched starting quarterback Mark Sanchez in favor of untested Greg McElroy, who engineered the only touchdown in the Jets’ 7-6 win over the Cardinals at MetLife Stadium.

With just about the entire planet waiting to hear yesterday whether McElroy or Sanchez would be the starter for Sunday’s game against the Jaguars, Ryan opened his press conference by talking about everything but quarterback.

He first praised his defense. “That’s about as good as we’ve played in a long, long time,” he said, adding, “It was really a great game on defense.” He endorsed Antonio Cromartie for the Pro Bowl and gave Muhammad Wilkerson a plug. Ryan didn’t mention his quarterbacks until he was asked.

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised. Ryan has been largely viewed as a defensive coordinator masquerading as a head coach. His hands-off approach to the offense and blind faith in Sanchez continued until it looked like the Jets wouldn’t score against the lowly Cardinals. McElroy came in to save the game, yet it was the defense Ryan credited first yesterday. This week he has to be a real head coach.

No one expected Ryan to name his starter yesterday. If for no other reason, a smart coach would keep the Jaguars guessing at least until tomorrow if not up until game time. But is there any real confidence Ryan and the Jets won’t make the situation worse than it already is?

When he finally got around to talking about his quarterback controversy, Ryan fanned the flames by implying Tim Tebow might get the start.

Maybe throwing Tebow and his broken ribs in the mix was a courtesy. Still, it seemed odd since Ryan and the Jets have shown no indication Tebow should start ahead of the ever-slumping Sanchez.

“I’m comfortable and confident with all three quarterbacks,” Ryan said.

It’s bad enough to have a locker room divided by a quarterback controversy. Now there’s a chance it could be split three ways, even though the players profess they have a more unified locker room than last season.

Ryan repeated over and over again that he’ll base his decision on “what gives us the best chance” to win against the Jaguars. But he’s kidding himself if he doesn’t consider the long-term ramifications.

Sanchez, who led the Jets to the AFC Championship Game in his first two seasons, is losing the support of fans frustrated by his lack of production this season. If McElroy starts and has success, it could be the end of the Sanchez era in New York even though he’s guaranteed $8.25 million for next season.

If Ryan sticks with Sanchez and he continues to struggle, the coach will be viewed as unable to make the right decision. Perhaps worst of all, the Jets could dissolve into a team with no starting quarterback to anchor their franchise.

Ryan’s draft picks and other personnel acquisitions (i.e. Tebow) are already under scrutiny. He lost the locker room during last year’s late-season meltdown, and this season has been littered with distractions from who should play quarterback to linebacker Bart Scott ripping fans for their lack of support.

Now Ryan must make the bold move of giving the starting job to McElroy or Tebow or giving the unpopular Sanchez yet another chance to salvage his season. This decision is as much about Ryan’s leadership as it is about Sanchez, Tebow or McElroy.

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