Yankees’ Cano denies connection to Biogenesis, PED use

TAMPA — During a press conference Monday Robinson Cano was asked if he ever used performance enhancing drugs and if he was tied to Biogenesis in any way.

“The first time I heard (about Biogenesis) was when the thing came out,” Cano said of a story that reported Alex Rodriguez and Melky Cabrera, close friends of Cano’s, were linked to the anti-aging clinic in Miami that MLB is investigating.

Since Cano didn’t directly answer the first part of the question — about PEDs — three reporters followed him toward the players’ parking lot at George M. Steinbrenner Field.

He was asked if he ever used PEDs or if he ever visited Biogenisis. Cano uttered “No” to each question.

Since Cano is close to Rodriguez and Cabrera, there is guilt by association.

“It doesn’t matter who you are hanging out (with),” Cano said.”Everybody has their personal lives and they do what they want. Like I say, through the good and the bad times they are always going to be my friends.”

Until Rodriguez speaks about the issue, Derek Jeter isn’t going to comment. Cano also declined to talk about Rodriguez and Cabrera and any relationship they had with Biogenesis.

“I don’t have any reaction and I will say that it is a personal matter and let them handle it,” Cano said.