US News

Dying 10-year-old put on adult implant waiting list after parents file lawsuit

A federal court judge has granted a temporary order that will allow 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan, who is dying from cystic fibrosis and desperately needs new lungs, to join an adult organ transplant list.

The judge has scheduled a preliminary injunction hearing for June 14, MyFoxPhilly reported.

Judge Michael Baylson made his ruling after hearing oral arguments Wednesday afternoon on a federal lawsuit filed by Sarah’s parents, challenging the “Under 12 Rule” that was keeping the 10-year-old off the adult transplant list.

Baylson’s order tells Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to direct the group that manages the organ transplant list to cease application of it in Sarah’s case.

And if there is another child in the judicial district in Sarah’s situation, the judge would consider and probably grant a temporary restraining order for them, too, if the case is presented in court.