US News

Michelle Obama threatens to leave $10,000 per place DNC fund-raiser after fight with LGBT activist, WH removes threat from transcript

You don’t want to tangle with those bangs!

Michelle Obama confronted a lesbian gay-rights activist who heckled her last night at a Democratic fund-raiser — and sent the protester packing.

The first lady was speaking to around 200 Democratic party big wigs at a $10,000 per ticket fund-raiser for the Democratic National Committee at a private home in Washington, DC, when the protester interrupted.

The unexpected break came about 12 minutes into the FLOTUS’ 20 minute speech where she urged attendees to be active in their communities and the political process.

All of sudden, “a pro-LGBT rights individual standing at the front began shouting for an executive order on gay rights,” reported the Huffington Post’s Amanda Terkel, the only member of the media allowed into the event.

“One of the things that I don’t do well is this,” Mrs. Obama said as she left the podium to confront the activist.

Standing face-to-face with the woman in a heated exchange of words, Mrs. Obama reportedly growled, “Listen to me or you can take the mike, but I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.”

The crowd was clearly on FLOTUS’ side, imploring her to stay while one attendee reportedly yelled, “You need to go!” at the activist.

Soon the protestor was escorted out of the event shouting about being a “lesbian look for federal equality before I die.”

While the terse exchange can clearly be heard on an audio recording of the event, the official transcript from The White House notes that the argument occurred but Mrs. Obama’s threat to leave the event is conspicuously absent:

Mrs. Obama: And I don’t care what you believe in, we don’t –

Audience member: (Inaudible)

Mrs. Obama: Wait, wait, wait. One of the things –

Audience member: (Inaudible)

Mrs. Obama: One of the things that I don’t do well is this. (Applause.) Do you understand? (Applause.) One of the things — now –

(Inaudible audience interruption.)

After the event the Huffington Post confirmed that the protestor was Ellen Sturtz, 56, an activist for pro-LGBT rights group GetEQUAL and the official transcript notes what Sturtz was demanding from Mrs. Obama.

“[Ellen Sturtz from GetEqual was] advocating for action from the Obama Administration to sign a long-promised Executive Order that would bar any company that contracts with the federal government from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity,” reads the transcript.

Hours after she was escorted out of the event Sturtz gave an interview explaining what happened.

“Basically, I was asked by the first lady to be quiet, and I can’t be quiet any longer….I was surprised by how negative the crowd seemed to be. It was actually a little unsettling and disturbing,” said Sturtz.

Sturtz added, “[Mrs. Obama] obviously thought she was going to make an example of me or something. I wasn’t scared at all.”