
Civil rights & wrongs

Bob McManus’ “A Taste of Our Future” (PostOpinion, June 4) is misinformed. Floyd, et al. v. City of New York, the class action case before federal Judge Shira Scheindlin, was brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights, not the NYCLU. Moreover, the complaint alleges NYPD practices racial profiling and unconstitutional, i.e. “suspicionless,” stop-and-frisks.

Just because a person resides or walks in a high-crime area is not a sufficient legal basis for a stop. The Supreme Court’s guidance is clear — a cop must have a reasonable, articulable suspicion that the person stopped has committed or is about to commit a crime. Absent that, everyone, regardless of race or the socio-economic status of a neighborhood, is entitled to their personal dignity, freedom and the equal protection and application of the law. Our rights are not to be abridged by sirens about either “the race” of most crime victims or the skin color of the usual suspects.Michael Meyers

Executive Director

New York Civil Rights

