US News

Baby mama Debbie Rowe rushes in after Jacko teen tries to kill herself

Not only has Michael Jackson’s baby mama Debbie Rowe reunited with daughter Paris — but she’s also ready to take custody of the troubled teen once Paris is sprung from the hospital after a suicide bid, sources said yesterday.

“Debbie’s door has always been open to Paris, and she will do whatever it takes to help her daughter,” a source close to the pair told The Post.

“She will take custody if Paris wants to come and live with her.”

Rowe — the biological mother of Paris, 15, and older brother, Prince, 16 — is calling the shots on Paris’ welfare in the wake of the teen’s suicide bid this week.

“Katherine [Jackson] has asked Debbie for help,” the source said, referring to Paris’ 83-year-old grandmother and Jackson family matriarch, who has co-guardianship of the teens and their younger brother, Blanket, 11.

“The rest of the family is looking to Debbie to take the lead; she has extensive experience in psychology,” said the source.

Rowe, who got at least $15 million in alimony from Jackson, would also take custody of Prince, but he has wanted nothing to do with his birth mom, several sources said.

With a car and a drivers’ license, Prince has also been spending less time at home with Katherine.

“As soon as he’s 18, he is outta there,” said a source close to the Jacksons.

The custody issue came up after The Post reported yesterday that T.J. Jackson, a cousin who has co-guardianship of the siblings with Katherine, has not been living full time in the kids’ Calabasas, Calif., home. He has his own home two hours away.

Paris had already been staying at Rowe’s ranch outside LA on weekends before she downed a fistful of Motrin and cut her wrists this week.

The teen had planned to spend the summer with her mom, with whom she recently reconnected.

Meanwhile, in the wake of media reports about the teenager’s precarious health, the Los Angeles judge overseeing Michael Jackson’s estate and his children’s guardianship yesterday ordered an investigation into Paris’ situation.

A probate investigator “shall prepare a written report and include therein any recommendations related to the minor child’s health, education and welfare,” LA Superior Court judge Mitchell Beckloff wrote.

He warned that the report “shall be provided only to the court,” with no copies disseminated to any other parties.

Katherine and the Jackson clan are “bracing for a custody battle,” a source close to the family said — even though Rowe’s camp insists she will not go to war with them.

“It’s their own paranoia,” the source said of the Jacksons. “They are afraid the kids will be taken away from them.”

LA County Child and Family Services agents want to “interview each of the kids at length in the next few days,” said the source.

Also yesterday, another source said Paris will not return to her posh private school, and may opt to be home-schooled.