
Costume Couture: Caitlin Burke takes on the New 52 Superman

It’s time again for our weekly look at superhero costumes through the lens of high fashion. If you missed last week’s, read it here.

Because costumes are so important in the comic-book universe, we at Parallel Worlds asked New York-based fashion editor and stylist Caitlin Burke (, @caitlinburkenyc) for her take on various heroes’ wardrobes. What does and doesn’t she like, and what would she change?

In honor of this week’s “The Man of Steel,” Burke takes on the redesigned version of Superman, now appearing in DC’s New 52.

“I have to start off by saying that I’ve never really understood the whole men in tights thing, and why superheroes — who are supposed to be the toughest and most masculine breed — decide to prance around in them. But I realize for the sake of this exercise I will have to get past that.”

“I appreciate that they’ve done away with that red diaper disaster that haunted previous costumes. It looks like there’s still some sort of briefs-over-the-pants situation going on down there, but at least the monochrome scheme is a step in the right direction.”

“The red piping and triangular cut of his sleeves seem a bit ornamental if they serve no purpose other than a decorative one. When it comes to superhero style, I prefer sleek and minimalist to fanciful and embellished.”

“It’s been said that wearing a turtleneck is like being choked by a really weak guy all day — a feeling Superman has likely never experienced prior to donning this monstrosity. I honestly thought Steve Jobs was the last living man to think these things were cool, but I guess that was just wishful thinking. Someone should pass the news (and a decent crew-neck) over to Mr.Kent.”

“The traditional ‘S’ symbol on his chest adds a nice pop of color and also appeals to my nostalgic side. It has become an iconic emblem and quite literally, his signature style. Although blatant logos may no longer be en vogue, we live in the era of self promotion, so I applaud Superman’s mindfulness over his personal brand. (That said, @superman currently has ZERO followers on Twitter. Get on that, Supes!)

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