
Nix to sex got me fired: $5M Scores suit

A former Scores cocktail waitress is suing the famed jiggle joint for $5 million, charging that her boss had her canned after she complained about his creepy demands for sex.

Elizabeth Shiflett — who won a US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruling — said manager Sammy Roman repeatedly hugged her and demanded dates and oral sex, according to the suit, which will be filed today in Manhattan federal court.

Shiflett, 37, was fired in March 2008 after complaining that her manager, identified in the lawsuit as Roman, repeatedly sexually harassed her, she claimed.

On one occasion, he allegedly lured her into a back room, she told The Post, and “straddled me and was asking for oral sex and asking when we were going out. I said, ‘No! No! No! No!’ ”

Scores rep George Smith called the suit a “frivolous” ploy for a big-cash payday.

Matthew Blit and Justin Clark, the high-powered employment lawyers who will file the lawsuit, said Shiflett, now a San Francisco resident, wants $5 million in damages and a court order barring Scores from harassing workers.