
Tweets too unsweet for Kass

Hedge-fund manager and popular markets commentator Doug Kass has turned in his Twitter membership, saying he can no longer take the “haters.”

“Unfortunately, there are many haters in the social blogosphere, who, perhaps because of their own issues, drown out the many good people who want a value-added investment experience by learning more and enjoying a healthy dialogue in real time,” Kass announced today on his popular email chain.

Earlier this month, Kass — who has been bearish throughout the 22 percent rise in the S&P 500 over the past year — devoted an entire email to his struggle with the haters, saying he planned to start ignoring them.

“Of course, none of us will be right on the markets or individual stocks all the time,” he said in the June 6 email.

Kass, who has acquired more than 62,000 followers and has tweeted 13,408 times, didn’t deactivate his Twitter account but said he currently has no plans to return to the micro-blogging site.

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