
Best of the Week

You’re busy. We understand. We’re busy too. So we forgive you for missing some of the posts we posted this week. Here are some of the best for you to catch up on this fine Saturday:

Gotham Post: Filmmaker Kevin Smith – The Fat Man on Batman

Dean Haspiel’s Red Hook and the companion piece: Dean Haspiel, the Godfather of Comix

Ready To Believe Again? ‘X-Files’ Is Back

Costume Couture: Stylist Caitlin Burke on the ‘Man of Steel’

Q&A: Chris Burnham, Batman Incorporated Artist Extraordinaire

Matt Hollingsworth: The ‘Hawkeye’ Colorist Who’s A Cut Above

New York’s own ‘Gutter Magic’

Xbox180: Microsoft changes policies after outcry

The best Starship Troopers game ever made is Left 4 Dead 2 with mods (video)


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