
The Weiners’ family ties: pulling one over on NYC?

The Issue: Huma Abedin’s career at the State Department, during which she also had private jobs.


Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, collected $135,000 from the State Department as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff — for doing what exactly (“The Other Weiner,” Editorial, June 19)?

Clinton has been the worst secretary of state since, well, ever.

In the real world, a company wouldn’t pay someone a six-figure salary for part-time work, while he or she is also working with other companies.

Only the government does that. And only Democrats have perfected the screwing of America’s taxpayers and getting paid for it.

Charlie Honadel

Staten Island

Political appointees offering their private employers access to and influence on public decision-makers project the appearance of legalized graft and collusion.

Government repeatedly diminishes trust by relaxing rules for “friends and family.”

It seems infested with self-serving takers.

This stinks like one of Mayor Bloomberg’s compost heaps. But I’m sure many of the “connected” will be granted dispensations from that latest burden heaped upon New Yorkers.

Ray Arroyo

Westwood, NJ

This should be a wake-up call for New York City voters, advising them on just how deeply lies and sleazy conduct run in the Weiner family.

However, there’s nothing that can cause NYC voters to wake up, unless they get it in a tweet.

A. Levy
