
Hondo makes regal choice

The best thing about picking just one game is that it limits the losses. Hondo, who suffered a triple trouncing Wednesday, lost only with the feeble Nats yesterday, causing the deficit to expand to 850 pateks.

Tonight, Mr. Aitch will strike up the band and pepper the one and only Jimmy Shields with a few units — 20 on the Royals.


Anthony Weiner may be facing some trouble with the state election commission after a group called “Women For Weiner” held a fundraiser for his campaign last night. That sounds like it could be a discriminatory organization … Jeb Bush is giving Hillary Clinton an award for her career in public service in September. It’ll be good to see the empty Pantsuit rewarded for accumulating all those frequent flyer miles while accomplishing absolutely nothing as Secretary of State.


Let’s give a hearty HondoNation farewell to Harness Racing’s Guru to the Stars Bill Smith, who retired yesterday after 39 years at The Post. Mr. Aitch wouldn’t have spent his life in the red if he could have handicapped baseball games as well as Mr. Smith handicapped horse races.

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