
Strength in numbers: could Weiner really win?

The Issue: Poll results that show former Rep. Anthony Weiner even with or ahead of his Democratic rivals.


The rest of the nation must be noting with disbelief that Anthony Weiner is pulling ahead of City Council Speaker Christine Quinn for the Democratic mayoral nomination (“Anthony & the Undecided,” Editorial, June 28).

It demonstrates the positive results of having one’s wife tolerate and even defend one’s actions and the ability of the New York electorate to forgive and forget.

At least Weiner did not spend time in jail, in contrast to those often elected as mayors of Boston and Chicago.

Nelson Marans

Silver Spring, Md.

Isn’t it strange that City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s numbers started to plummet after she started bashing New York’s Finest? Rob Ryan

Long Beach

New Yorkers so hate their traditions and gentlemanly customs that they will go out of their way to elect a man who sexts photos of his private parts to women, regardless of their age.

Whether Weiner wins or not, the fact that he has garnered 25 percent of New Yorkers’ approval makes me want to leave New York.

I don’t want to live next to neighbors who support self-exposure and feel there is nothing wrong with flashing or sexting. I would move, but I am 66 years old and don’t want to hunt bear or moose in Montana. I’d rather just shield my eyes from an embarrassing jerk like Weiner.

David Lawrence


There is one essential factor omitted from Bob McManus’ “Tony the Poll Vaulter” (PostOpinion, June 27).

When you speak of the New York “electorate,” be specific — it’s the liberal electorate.

Liberals see nothing wrong with Weiner’s deviant behavior. Their standards of decency and morality have devolved over time.

Conservatives, traditionalists, God-fearing Americans see this bum for who he is.

Bob Pascarella

The Bronx