June 9, 2014

Nash becomes symbol of Rangers’ frustration

Again, Rick Nash was one of the most formidable Rangers forwards on the ice. Again, Rick Nash did not score. “I can’t be satisfied [with my game] when we’re losing,”...

Long Island fund manager 'fleeced' clients out of $17M: feds

A 62-year-old Hummer-driving Long Island fund manager was charged Monday with running a Ponzi scheme for nine years — siphoning $17 million from his clients. James M. Peister ripped off...

Family Dollar thwarts Icahn with 'poison pill'

Billionaire Carl Icahn’s conversation with Family Dollar has gotten off on the wrong foot. The activist investor told The Post he took it as an “insult” after the dollar-store chain...

Time’s exit from midtown is an epic event

The upcoming relocations by Time Warner and spun-off Time Inc. spell a seismic shift in Manhattan’s center of real estate gravity as much as they mark a game-changer in the...

PayPal exec leaves firm for Facebook

Just four months after gracing the cover of Forbes magazine as PayPal’s savior, David Marcus is jumping ship — for Facebook. Marcus, who took the reins as Paypal’s president two...

Summer bet: Fed takes easy (money) way out

Things will be different this summer. But, also, I’m afraid, the same. About 12 months ago, Wall Street was convinced that the Federal Reserve would start to reduce the dosage of...

UConn star falls off stage, gets help from Obama

WASHINGTON — And the assist goes to President Obama, as he helped University of Connecticut star basketball center Stefanie Dolson after she awkwardly fell off a riser at a White...

Rangers blanked, shoved to brink by Kings & Quick

How deep the disappointment went with the one man on the Rangers whose name is above the marquee, the one man whose legacy, whether fair or unfair, will be set...

President's carbon math doesn't add up

For people who trumpet their strict commitment to fact and reason, the Obama administration and its supporters are strangely incapable of rational analysis of new climate-change regulations. President Obama’s Environmental...

NCAA will pay former athletes $20M over video game likenesses

Sam Keller and his teammates used to eagerly await the annual release of the NCAA Football video game, the popular EA Sports product featuring lifelike depictions of every major team....

Roberts cast in USA drama 'Suits'

Eric Roberts might not have the A-list cachet of his kid sister, Julia, but he’s always busy with different projects — what the Brits would call a “jobbing” actor. Roberts...

Netflix to stop publicly shaming Verizon for slow service

Reed Hastings may need to buffer his response. Days after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from Verizon, the Netflix chief indicated that he may back down from his campaign to publicly...

Compelling Open would help game

PINEHURST, N.C. — Let’s face it. The golf season has been pretty much a dud this year. Bubba Watson is trying his best to be the face of the sport,...

Sterling to sue NBA for $1B: 'The team is not for sale'

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling has pulled his support from a deal to sell the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and will pursue his...

If Jackson won't coach, protégé Fisher is next best thing

All along, the dream script was similar to the one Joe DiMaggio authored back in the summer of 1949. For weeks, for months, pain in his heel kept DiMaggio in...

8 amazing rooftop bars in London

Forget London’s infamous indoor pubs. At long last, the city has come out of the (literal) dark with a fabulous rooftop bar scene, stretching from the east’s hip Shoreditch to...

Why Terry Collins deserves chance to turn Mets around

If you're a baseball team itching to fire your manager, you can set the standard with a basic question: “Are we better off with someone else, anyone else, but him?”...

20 more women kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Suspected Boko Haram gunmen have reportedly kidnapped 20 women from a nomadic settlement in northeast Nigeria near the town of Chibok, where the Islamic militants abducted more...

Girardi's hope: Yankees bats can't stay this cold

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Joe Girardi sees the anemic numbers his hitters are posting and doesn’t think the math is telling the truth. Nor it is on the verge of...

Hip trouble kept Ellsbury out of lineup

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Jacoby Ellsbury wasn’t in Joe Girardi’s lineup Monday night and it wasn’t because the Royals were scheduled to start lefty Jason Vargas before the game was...

How I met a death row inmate and fell in love

“Yours for Eternity: A Love Story on Death Row,” out June 17, is a collection of letters between now-married couple Lorri Davis, 50, and Damien Echols, 40, who met and...

Filmmaker revisits OJ trial, 20 years after Bronco chase

It’s been nearly 20 years since that “Where were you?” moment when TV viewers were glued to their seats watching LA police chase OJ Simpson and Al Cowlings in the...

Mickelson not the only hot shot to watch at Pinehurst

PINEHURST, N.C. — Contrary to popular belief, Phil Mickelson is not the only player in field at the US Open this week. Mickelson is not the only player chasing something...

Remember that Ray Allen 3? The Spurs are trying to forget it

MIAMI — The memories are painful. And they are the very last recollections the Spurs want to bring up at this point. So let’s do it for them. The Spurs...

Eli Manning can't afford 'to go through the motions' this offseason

A sure-fire way to get a student to groan is to assign extra homework — but if Eli Manning is whining, he’s keeping it to himself. Eli and the Giants...

Horse runs wild, dragging carriage and hitting taxi in NYC

A carriage horse broke loose near Central Park this afternoon, shaking up a tourist who tried to slow it down before the carriage it was hauling slammed into a taxi...

Letterman wishes injured Tracy Morgan well

Tracy Morgan's pals have been sending their best wishes for a speedy recovery - the latest from late-night comedy icon David Letterman. “I just want to mention here briefly, we...

Bill's Brooklyn bid

Bill de Blasio has good reason to want the 2016 Democratic convention in Brooklyn. For one thing, it’s his home borough. For another, the party’s presidential nominee may well be...

Jobs on ice

New York politicians who believe that jacking up the minimum wage will help workers might want to take a look at the latest crisis at Kingsbridge Armory. Plans are to...

'Race' to the bottom

Call it the Rumble in Upper Manhattan. This is the heated Democratic primary for the 13th congressional district. The Latino candidate accuses the African-American candidate of race-baiting — and Al...

A World Cup secret: the free-economy 'X factor'

Pundits handicapping the World Cup miss an “X factor” that seems to explain why some teams exceed expectations: It’s economic freedom. A nation’s ability to play the Beautiful Game correlates...

Why Walmart could be good for NYC

Like most New Yorkers, I found it pretty nutty when many City Council members and their cohorts demonstrated last week against Walmart’s donations to local New York City charities. But...

A good way to kill affordable housing

At a morning press conference last month, Mayor de Blasio announced his 10-year plan to protect and expand housing affordability. He said his plan would “curb neglect and disrepair to...

'Love locks' are breaking a Paris bridge

PARIS — The thousands of locks that cling like barnacles to the Pont des Arts in Paris have become a symbol of danger, rather than love, after a chunk of...

Checking in: Shangri-La Hotel, at The Shard

What: Some hotels are all about location. At the Shangri-La, it’s all about the views: stupendous floor-to-ceiling panoramas of London landmarks like St. Paul’s Cathedral, Houses of Parliament and the...

5 ways to experience Shakespeare's London

Friends, Romans, countrymen heading to London — lend us your ears. This year marks the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, and in his honor, the Bard-happy town is offering even...

Commune co-founder wins $1.3M from accused assassin

The co-founder of a Staten Island commune scored a million-dollar-plus payout Monday from an ex-hippie who publicly bashed him — and then allegedly gunned him down. Jeffrey Gross, 59 —...

The day in photos

Pandas say hello in Hong Kong Airport, an elephant keeps cool, a rare butterfly goes free, unrest leads to an exodus from Ukraine and more.

Paterson back-stabbed partner to cover up PA corruption: suit

Ex-Gov. David Paterson sold out a business partner and scuttled efforts to expose corruption at the Port Authority so he could get a seat on the PA board for his...

Yankees mediocre, but so is rest of AL East

The Yankees have real problems. Perhaps unsolvable ones. Maybe ones that will take them under .500 for the first time in more than two decades and keep them out of...

DeSean Jackson: Drew Rosenhaus bribed me to join agency

DeSean Jackson is claiming he hired agent Drew Rosenhaus in 2009 after being bribed, which would be in violation of NFL Players Association rules. In legal documents obtained by TMZ,...

Obama moves to extend student loan payment relief

WASHINGTON — Aiming to alleviate the burden of student loan debt, President Barack Obama expanded a program Monday that lets borrowers pay no more than 10 percent of their income...

New Jack White solo album is a clutter step

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRbnAxrS3EM&feature=kp Album of the Week JACK WHITE “Lazaretto” ★★ FOR a man who made his mark on the world with albums recorded in a few days featuring little more than...

Possibly drunk teacher 'kidnapped' students, demanded fast food

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRRh5izscDQ ALTADENA, Calif. — A high school teacher asked three students for a ride, then abducted them at knifepoint and ordered them to take him to a fast food restaurant,...

Phil Jackson finally finds Knicks a head coach

Phil Jackson’s fishing expedition is over. Second choice or not, the triangle offense will live at the Garden next season with Derek Fisher as its teacher. Jackson came to New...

There was no right way to stop LeBron in Game 2

MIAMI – The conventional wisdom is to back off LeBron James and make him a jump shooter. The Spurs tried that in Game 2 of the NBA Finals Sunday and...

When the baseball bat becomes a weapon

Baltimore Orioles third baseman Manny Machado ignited a benches-clearing confrontation with the Oakland A's on Sunday after he accidentally-on purpose chucked his bat into the field as a response to...

Ranking the 5 most terrifying creatures on ‘Game of Thrones’

Warning: This article contains spoilers. Sunday night’s “Game of Thrones” featured an epic, episode-long battle at the Wall when thousands of Wildlings stormed Castle Black. Jon Snow was reunited with...

Woman killed after car jumps curb in NYC

A driver with a suspended license jumped a curb and killed a female pedestrian and injured a second woman on Staten Island on Monday afternoon, cops said. The 23-year-old man...

10 stylish celebrity wardrobe essentials

Everyone has their one fave piece to wear again and again to the point of some serious wear-and-tear. And celebs are no different when it comes to wardrobe staples —...

Vegas cop-killer cried over 'new world order'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3ztbH9mtx4 Cop killer Jerad Miller left behind rants on Facebook and YouTube, railing against government oppression and about a “new world order.” One YouTube video was made in July 2013,...

Desperate Rays use Seminole medicine man to end losing

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.  — The slumping Tampa Bay Rays have turned to a Seminole medicine man to change their fortunes. Tampa Bay manager Joe Maddon invited tribal elder Bobby Henry...

Terry Collins' seat is sizzling, but he doesn't expect Mets to ax him

Terry Collins could use a Mets winning streak about now to silence the whispers about his job security. The Mets are a mess as they prepare to begin a six-game...

Rangers and Kings know they're going to a hockey cathedral

Players and coaches rarely speak with this much reverence, with this much excitement about a single event and a single venue. On Monday night, Madison Square Garden will host its...

Jessica Chastain cuts bangs, Lupita gets lei’d and more

Starbucks, synonymous with Monday, is getting the designer treatment, Suki Waterhouse does sneakers and, sadly, David Beckham is putting actual clothes on for his latest fashion foray. Let the countdown...

57K veterans waiting up to 3 months for VA appointments

WASHINGTON — More than 57,000 veterans have been waiting for up to three months for medical appointments, the Veterans Affairs Department said in a wide-ranging audit released today. An additional 64,000...

Protesters pack accused cat-kicker's courtroom

Animal lovers packed Brooklyn criminal court Monday to condemn the cruel ​kid accused of kicking a cat outside a Bed​ford​-Stuy​vesant​ housing project last month. “He should be put away,” Margaret...

Activist wins key support to oust board of ShopHQ parent

An activist investor’s efforts to oust the board of ValueVision Media — the parent company of ShopHQ, an also-ran among home-shopping networks — has won overwhelming support from the two...

Rick Fox: I've been a Knicks coaching 'candidate for a while'

Rick Fox, who threw his hat into the Knicks coaching ring last week, said on a radio show Monday he has spoken to his former Lakers coach Phil Jackson about...

Unapologetic pizza-delivery boy rapist gets 13-year jail sentence

An unapologetic pizza-delivery boy who raped an Upper West Side woman ​​while her 7-year-old daughter slept next to her ​in bed ​was sentenced Monday to 13 years behind bars —...

Carcillo left to wonder if Rangers will play him after ban

Dan Carcillo is ready to return. Now it’s up to Alain Vigneault to decide if he’s needed. The physical Rangers forward will complete his six-game suspension with Game 3 Monday...

Gaborik's first feeling about return: 'The Garden looks nice'

Marian Gaborik got his first look at the renovated Garden Monday morning, and he liked what he saw. “The Garden looks nice, that’s for sure,” the former Ranger said with...

Plan to cut street deaths hits Albany speed bump

Vision Zero has run into a speed bump in Albany. There are only seven working days left to slash the speed limit in New York City to 25 mph, a...

Coming soon: a hoodie that texts

http://vimeo.com/96047923 Soon, our phones and computers won’t be the only way to send a message. Two graduate students at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program designed the “Smart Hoodie,” a...

College football's first female d-back: So good she doesn't have to tackle

A female high school student from Indiana is set to make some college football history this season. Jeffersonville High's Shelby Osborne signed with Campbellsville (Kentucky), an NAIA school, this week...

New York's hottest fashion sales of the week

7 For All Mankind Visit 7forallmankind.com for store locations Sale: Jun. 11-Jul.6. Up to 50 percent of men’s and women’s denim. Alice + Olivia 260 Fifth Ave., between 28th and...

Ho-hum weekend for Johnny Football: MLB draftee chugging on swan

What's next for Johnny Manziel? Something. There's always something. Though nearly three months remain until the rookie quarterback has an opportunity to make his NFL debut, Manziel has found it...

World Cup Group F preview: Will Argentina get Messi's best?

Is Lionel Messi merely the second-best player in world, or has he joined immortals Pele and countryman Diego Maradona as among the greatest of all-time? This summer will go a...

The 11 strangest things people ask for on planes

You think you’ve got it bad when your in-flight entertainment conks out, the Pixie-Stix-addicted kid behind you mistakes the back of your chair for a vertical trampoline, and the plane...

The shatterproof smartphone could be coming soon

Clumsy fools rejoice. New technology to make your smartphone shatterproof is being developed. Phones of the future will no longer be fragile and could brush off being dropped, sat on...

Kenny Powers lookalike: Too bad Yankees making me shave

Yankees draft pick Sean Carley may be the most popular 14th-round selection of all time. The pitcher out of West Virginia, selected No. 422 overall on Saturday, has earned instant fame because...

Clintons were 'dead broke' after leaving White House

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton says she and hubby Bill Clinton were "dead broke" after leaving the White House and "struggled" to make ends meet. "We came out of the White House...

Cop-killers wanted 'the next Columbine'

They were a government-hating team of self-styled revolutionaries on a mission to commit mass murder. Jerad and Amanda Miller - who executed two Las Vegas cops and an armed good...

Family Dollar Stores adopts poison pill plan to fight off Icahn

Family Dollar Stores on Monday said its board has adopted a one-year poison pill plan as shares jumped 15 percent on news Carl Icahn had taken a 9.4 percent stake....

Chrome's co-owner 'ashamed' after rants

Steve Coburn didn't pass on his second chance to apologize. California Chrome's co-owner stepped back from his harsh comments following his colt's failed attempt to win the Triple Crown on Saturday....

Comeback expert Messier: Rangers need 'seek-and-destroy attitude'

The question for Mark Messier now, as Game 3 against the Kings arrives Monday night at the Garden: You think the Rangers can still win this? "No question. There's no...

Nets will turn back to Marcus Thornton for bench punch

With the Nets season officially in the books, it’s time to look back at the year that was. We’ll look back at a different player each weekday, before wrapping up...

The ultimate Jack White playlist

Jack White’s second solo album “Lazaretto” drops on Tuesday, and although he’s now fully committed to a solo career, the last 15 years have seen the Detroit rocker (now based...

Truck driver in Tracy Morgan crash hadn't slept in 24 hours

The truck driver accused of plowing into Tracy Morgan’s limo — critically injuring the “30 Rock” star and killing another comedian — hadn’t slept for 24 hours before the deadly crash, authorities...

Teen walks 40 miles carrying brother with cerebral palsy

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A Michigan teenager who wanted to raise awareness about cerebral palsy by walking 40 miles with his younger brother strapped to his back battled heat, rain,...

Tyson agrees to buy Hillshire for $63 a share

Tyson Foods Inc. prevailed over Pilgrim's Pride Corp. in a bidding war between meat processors over Hillshire Brands Co., with an increased offer valuing the maker of Jimmy Dean sausages...

Google's interns have it way better than you do

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Sitting in a kitchen stocked with free food, a handful of 20-something Google summer interns weigh their favorite perks, but where to begin? With bikes, buses,...

Don't panic, Apple stock is not down 85%

No, Apple is not down 85 percent this morning, despite what your stock portfolio website says. The iPhone maker is poised to open at roughly $92.22 a share after executing...

Inner-city school applauds first college graduates

CHICAGO — Jamil Boldian headed to college four years ago, arriving in small-town Ohio with a one-way Megabus ticket and $17.91 to his name. Krishaun Branch moved to Nashville to...

Broken elevator rockets 31 floors in 15 seconds, crashes into roof

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp_6WcvFd-A Many of us have imagined what would happen if an elevator malfunctioned while we were inside. The chilling thoughts usually focus on it plunging down. But in this bizarre...

2nd stabbing attack linked to Slender Man meme

Slender Man has struck again. An Ohio girl, under the apparent influence of the fictional Internet horror meme, attacked her mother last week with a kitchen knife, authorities said. “I...

World's oldest man dies at 111

The oldest man in the world, who survived the Nazi invasion of Poland by fleeing to Russia, died peacefully in his Upper West Side apartment on Sunday at age 111....

'Life' in the balance in new drama

Just days after a young woman’s struggle with cancer got the big-screen treatment in “The Fault In Our Stars,” the premise is coming to TV in the new ABC Family...

Two season premieres and a season-ender on tap

Major Crimes Monday at 9 p.m. on TNT In the Season Three premiere, the squad works quickly to find a missing father and his two young children and uncovers a...

Castelluccio taking 'Lily of the Feast' to the big screen

Back in June 2011, I wrote about Federico Castelluccio directing a short film called “Lily of the Feast,” for which he won Best Director/Short Film at the 2011 Long Island...

Sam's the man in recent 'Game of Thrones' episode

Warning: This article contains spoilers. Sex! Sex! Sex! There's no aphrodisiac more powerful than war to bring out the randy in folks. And, of course, that goes quadruple for “Game...

Psy and Snoop get a 'Hangover' in new video

http://youtu.be/HkMNOlYcpHg You really haven’t lived until you’ve seen Snoop Dogg skipping through a fairground like a schoolgirl. But that, and many other surreal sights, can finally be viewed in the...

Indian students swept away after dam collapses, 4 reported dead

NEW DELHI (AP) — Rescuers in boats were searching a Himalayan river Monday for dozens of students swept away when a dam released a rush of water without warning, and...

Chuck Schumer worried for military vets in wake of VA scandal

Military veterans in and around New York City have been complaining about delays in seeing their doctors in the wake of the deadly Veterans Affairs health-care scandal, US Sen. Charles...

Singer sued for being too old and ugly for Pink cover band

Pink sings about girl power with an exclamation point — but a Manhattan woman who tried to emulate the Grammy winner is getting bullied by a Long Island man who...

‘Merchant of Death’ associate demands trial recordings that don’t exist

A convicted, camera-shy associate of jailed Russian arms dealer Vicktor “Merchant of Death” Bout apparently needs to get over himself. Richard Chichakli, a citizen of both the US and Syria,...

Former POW turned down chance to talk to family over the phone

Former POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl turned down the chance to talk to his family over the phone after being released in a widely criticized trade for five dangerous Taliban commanders...

Superdad’s tireless quest to help his daughter

This is a love story. It’s the tale of one man’s deep and unbreakable bond with the most important person in his life. His daughter. Sarah Jane Donohue was born...

Pols come out for Puerto Rican Day Parade

It was a mayoral merengue for Bill de Blasio and his salsa partner, US Rep. Nydia Velázquez, at the Puerto Rican Day Parade on Fifth Avenue on Sunday. Although the...

Woman's body pulled from Hudson

A woman’s body was found floating in the Hudson River off the Inwood section of Manhattan on Sunday, authorities said. The grim discovery was made at 5:30 p.m. near Dyckman...

Assailant opens fire, injures two teens

Two young men were shot and seriously injured in Queens Sunday night, authorities and witnesses said. A group of teens was walking on 149th Street near 90th Avenue in Jamaica...

Court attacks on the rise after personnel cuts

More than 12 city court officers have suffered line-of-duty injuries in the two past months — and judges and jurors could be next, union officials warn. A severe staffing shortage...

Sen. Espaillat’s supporters warn Cuomo not to back Rangel

Scandal-scarred Harlem Congressman Charlie Rangel is bragging that he’s going to be endorsed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but supporters of state Sen. Adriano Espaillat, furious over Rangel’s “Dominican’’ comment a...

City bans broker fees on pension funds

Call it the “Alan Hevesi rule.” Middlemen known as “placement agents” will no longer get a piece of the pie for brokering business with New York City’s $150 billion retirement system,...

'Gentleman's Guide,' McDonald, Cranston win big at Tonys

The murderous romp "A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder" got a lot of love at Sunday night's Tony Awards, nabbing the best new musical trophy on a night that...

NBA commissioner: Sterling ouster 'almost there'

SAN ANTONIO — NBA Commissioner Adam Silver wouldn’t say it’s a done deal. He just sounded like the end of the reign of Donald Sterling as owner of the Clippers...

Third cog in Big 3 proves decisive

SAN ANTONIO — No matter what angle or point of view you take, Chris Bosh always will rank third — No. 3 in the Miami Heat’s Big Three pecking order....

Daily Blotter

Manhattan A man bit a hole in the cheek of a guy who spurned his advances in a Chelsea bar, authorities said. Seymour Hewitt, 39, made a pass at the...