
Mom, daughter in fatal hit-and-run still recovering in hospital

The mother and sister of a 12-year-old girl mowed down and killed by a speeding junkie driving a stolen minivan are still in the hospital more than five weeks after the tragic crash, prosecutors said in court Wednesday at his Brooklyn Supreme Court arraignment.

Robert DeCarlo, 26, was charged with manslaughter for driving over and killing Joey Sellers, 12, and hitting her mom and 9-year-old sister in Mill Basin on July 2, 2014.

“The mother and daughter are both in the hospital. They are both still recovering,” assistant district attorney Gayle Dampf said in court Wednesday.

“[They] will require extensive rehabilitation,” court papers state.

And DeCarlo even whined to cops over the phone at 8 a.m. the day after the crash, “I’m going to turn myself in, I am just trying to get myself a lawyer,” new court documents reveal.

William C. Lopez
Dampf also said, “No, there’s no offer,” when asked by the judge whether a plea deal was possible.

DeCarlo was released without bail after he violently mugged an elderly woman earlier this year.

Prosecutors have surveillance footage of DeCarlo fleeing the scene as well as footage of him at a deli he visited after the collision, court papers state.

DeCarlo whined, “I don’t want to do life,” to a Post reporter in a jailhouse interview last month.

Cops said DeCarlo was high and speeding when he lost control and jumped a curb and ran into little Joey Sellers and her mom and sister, but he claimed in the interview that he wasn’t on drugs that day.

He’ll next appear in court October.